I love reading the story of Job, chapter 1 and 2 really stick out to me. If you have not read it I highly recommend you do. A summary of the first 2 chapters is this, Job was a very wealthy man who had anything and everything he could possibly dream of. He was a sinless man who feared God and stayed far away from evil. The devil wanted Job to sin so he could prove to God that when bad things happen people will give in and sin. The devil did everything in his power to get Job to sin, he took away everything he had from taking his cattle, servants, killing his children, making him sick. Through all of this Job did not sin once.
“Naked I came from my mothers womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21)
So much bad has happened in Job’s life. One bad thing after another. His wife even ask him why he won’t give up already. He has the most perfect response: “Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” (Job 2:10)
In our lives bad things happen, sometimes you may feel as if only bad things are happening. Look how Job has handled his situation. The devil can take and take from you but the one thing he cannot take away from you is the Lord. Your faith in him will never be shaken by evil but made stronger in times of weakness.
As the story goes on his three friends hear of all the bad things that have happened to him. They go to provide him with sympathy and comfort. Although when they arrive to Job and see how little his has left they do not say a word but pray with him for seven days and seven nights.
I know from my own experience of great loss and suffering that no words can make you feel any better or fix things and bring them back to normal but a simple prayer can help heal. Help your friends and pray for them especially in times like these. If you are that friend that needs prayers let me know I will pray for you.