During this time of many different emotions trying to wrap our head around what is going on in today’s world with sickness spreading, schools closing we decided to run to the store and grab as much toilet paper as we can. I do not think this is because we are worried about running out of toilet paper but because it gives us something to do with all of the spare time we have. We fill our lives up with school, work, sports, random events and leave little to no time to rest and recharge. I’m sure you too have been so overwhelmed with everything you signed yourself up with that you were running on empty and sometimes even wishing you had more time to rest. Well God is now providing us with time, you can either take it as a burden or see it as a gift.
I believe prayer is one of the most powerful things, that it can do magical things. That is why I am praying Psalm 91 for 91 days and I hope you do too. Our God moves mountains and will be our shelter and the answer to our prayers. Just because churches are closing does not mean we have to lose faith. Verbalize Gods truth. Pray for healing. Never forget he is your shelter. He will save us all. He has a plan. Put your faith in him and find all of the blessing he has gifted you.
I like to think of it as this: When you are looking in the pantry for a can of soup it could be anywhere. If you don’t move anything to look for it there’s a chance you won’t find it. That’s how it is with finding the good in a situation like the one we’re in right now. It is so easy to just look at the first row and just see the bad “stuff we new was already there” and to not dig deeper and see what is hidden “the good” (can of soup).
I have a challenge for you and me. The first step is find the good in your situation, maybe this time is what you really needed to finish a project, build a strong relationship with God, or rest. Whatever it is I want you to find it! Find the good. Then make a list each day, set goals of how you want to make this day and the gift of time, count.