I had a dream I was at a young life camp and the camp speaker was talking about “spontaneous gratitude” what it is and why we do it.
This morning I wrote down my dream, I did my devotional and then I went to breakfast with my Christian mentor, Ashley. While we were there we had good conversation t and then after we finished eating we pulled our Bibles out of our bags.
There were two older guys sitting at the table next to us and noticed our Bibles and began talking to us.They said they had met at a restaurant over 25 years ago. One was reading his Bible and the other asked what it was. The one reading his Bible invited him to join him since then they’ve been mentors and mentees ever since. Now 78 years old they prayed over me and Ashley and our faith journeys and that God would bless us all our days
This was a simple act of spontaneous gratitude and makes me feel so blessed to be a Christian.
God breaks the barrier between strangers and brings community. Shows us the way He intended life to be
I’ll probably never see those two again. I never caught their names and know nothing about them but their prayer will stay with me for a very long time.
I want to challenge myself to partake in the spontaneous gratitude, I think you should too!