

I have created this space to help encourage others during their own journey with the Lord. May this site bring you to a new way of seeing the life God has created for you, no matter your current relationship with him. If you're not ready to dive deeper in your faith but are ready to see the world more beautifully I invite you to stay awhile. Like you may be right now, a couple years ago I did not have a healthy lifestyle nor a faith to guide me. Growing up I have had to overcome many obstacles most people would not have to face until later in life. This made me mature faster than most teens. While I continue to build a healthy lifestyle and grow stronger in my faith, I will share my experiences along the way. I hope to grow together and never stop learning.

This Changed Everything

Reflection and Vision

The Book of Leviticus

It all starts with being.

Beyond Words: The reason for naming my blog “beyond words”

Passion Conference 2023

Truth to carry into the New Year

Word for the year, 2023

Always Growing

Spontaneous Gratitude