It all starts with being. This is what God placed on my heart this morning as I spent more time with Him. It all starts with the Lord.
I have always held myself to the standard of doing. So this knowledge came with a breathe of relief. With knowing Jesus I have been working on my habit of always doing and a busy mind. But still I have seen myself living days and weeks in this mindset.
I heard “Be in” Be in my presence and love. Be in the presence of the Holy Spirit and see the ways it wants to move and is moving.
Then I saw how it all starts with being. After I am in the presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit I can then be myself, I will know how and I will have the confidence and ability to do so. After that I can fully be present in relationships. After I am in the presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit I can serve.
I realized I have been like Martha in my relationships, how in Luke 10:38-42 Mary and Martha hosted Jesus and His disciples and Mary sat at Jesus’ feet while Martha was very busy serving and began to be anxious and troubled instead of being in the presence of Jesus and His disciples.
The peace it brought me to realize it all starts with being has been eye opening, I want to be in the state of being as much as I breathe. It is not just when I sit with God but in every second of everyday for eternity, this is so exciting and peace giving. It is also challenging for me, I already feel myself going in and out of being. It takes practice and dedication and a commitment every day. It starts with Jesus, being in his presence and the Holy Spirit then knowing myself and being present with others.
Peace be with you, be with the spirt that is within.